Sunday, June 10, 2012

Most Sophisticated Cyberwarfare Tool ever Created, In Use For Two Years Already

The now two year old (but only recently made public) cyberworm/virus "Flame" is widely accepted to be created by a nation-state. Since 9-11, our own government has been using all formerly unavailable techniques to monitor as many citizens as possible, whether there is a warrant or cause or not. An incredible bureaucracy has formed around this freshly legal system of spying on innocent citizens. While it is widely believed already that smart phones can be used for monitoring, Flame takes this monitoring into your home as it uses your computer instead. Flame can do a great many different things, but some of the more disturbing abilities include: activating your computer's microphone and webcam for monitoring everything near your computer(s), access nearby Bluetooth devices, monitor IM and take screen shots. "The virus then uploads all this information to command and control servers, of which there are about a dozen scattered around the world."
"The UN has urged countries to seek a "peaceful resolution" in cyberspace to avoid the threat of global cyberwar. The comments by the head of the UN's telecommunications agency came a week after Flame, one of the most complex cyber-attacks to date, was uncovered."

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