Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Free Speech, Gun Rights and American Dreams

I wish as many Americans were as angered by Actual Constitutional transgressions of free speech instead of theoretical transgressions of gun rights. It seems that most of our gun-toting countrymen and women are unaware how moot their weapons become if we can't even assemble peaceably. I don't advocate the use of guns in politics, but many Americans regularly talk about how their "guns are the only thing standing between us and the New World Order" and other such statements. If that is what you really believe, don't you at least want to be able to gather together in groups to protest without your guns? What makes you think you have our military out-gunned anyway? And ammo? Have you ordered as much as the U.S. military? My point is twofold: 1. you're not going to "save america" with guns 2. even if you could, wouldn't you also need the right to gather in groups in public places? It's been 11 solid years of rolling back rights on free speech. Wake up to the real threats, America.

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